Value Engineering
Significant cost savings, along with an increased level of quality, can be accomplished on most projects through properly conducted value engineering reviews. Our approach utilizes our technical expertise in architectural and engineering disciplines, combined with hands-on, practical experience to make sure that “value” is truly added to your project. Our Value Engineering (VE) analysis will focus on meeting the functional requirements of your project at the minimum cost and highest quality. Each building system and its components will be analyzed for adequacy, efficiency, length of life, and cost. Life cycle costs will be established for alternative systems and components.
A typical value engineering session includes:
- Identification of needs and definition of function
- Creative solutions to meeting the basic needs or function
- Developing comparative costs for the various alternative solutions
- Evaluation and ranking of the various solutions based on project criteria, implementation and cost
- Selection of the optimum solution and recommendation for implementation
- Nyecon’s experience in, and approach to, value engineering will ensure that your project is fully reviewed to assure the most cost-effective design for your project