PROJECT MANAGEMENT Building a Structure is a finite “one of a kind” endeavor that requires a progressive management approach. Nyecon’s approach encompasses discipline, planning and the latest controls to ensure that project objectives are met. Nyecon’s associates are comprehensively trained to use Sure Trak management software to ensure the successful completion of every project.
SCHEDULE Nyecon understands that the schedule is paramount for every project and can directly impact the quality, safety and cost of the project. Nyecon identifies the proper sequencing and duration of activities by a comprehensive review of the project documents. Nyecon associates are trained to use scheduling software from simple to the very sophisticated, depending on the project needs, to incorporate design, permitting, bidding, submittals, phasing, logistics and long lead-times.
COST MANAGEMENT The objective of cost tracking is to assure there are no surprises. We continually monitor actual construction costs against the original budget estimates.This gives us an early indication if there are budget problems. We achieve this by utilizing a Cost/Budget Report that summarizes the financial status, including the approved estimate, all variances resulting in changes and an overall project indicated cost.
SELF-PERFORMED WORK We have the ability to self-perform some of the trade work ourselves. This includes demolition, concrete, rough carpentry, finish carpentry, doors, frames and hardware, metal framing and specialties. This allows us flexibility in meeting tight schedules.
QUALITY MANAGEMENT Quality means many things to many people. At Nyecon, quality is an attitude that translates to “we are accountable.” We are accountable for understanding, accepting, meeting and exceeding the expectations of the client. We are accountable for providing a project in conformance with the drawings and specifications, within budget, on time and without injury to workers.
SAFETY Nyecon is committed to Safety. It is our mission to provide and maintain the safest possible working conditions for all workers. We achieve this through our dynamic Safety Program and close monitoring of all construction activities to assure safe work practices are being utilized.